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Acupuncture for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


Germ Theory: 101

Why do some people always catch a cold, and others don’t?
Viruses, germs, and bacteria are everywhere. They are in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink, but not all of them are bad or harmful.

Think of the immune system as your body’s security detail. The cells, tissues, and organs that comprise it help repel foreign invaders like harmful bacteria, parasites and other microbes that can cause infections. Disorders of the immune system range from everyday annoyances like mild seasonal allergies to serious illnesses like leukemia. Stress, lack of sleep and other common conditions can contribute to a weakened immune system, which can make you vulnerable to infections. continue reading »

Bridging East and West

The article, herein, from Harvard Medical School is about the most exciting thing we read in 2017.  It seemed to mark the start of a cascading trend away from the “xenophobia” of Eastern Medicine to a curiosity of information and facts regarding this foreign way of looking at health care.   While many more have followed and health insurance  policies that cover acupuncture have more than quadrupled, this symposium seemed to mark one of the larger turning points in our American culture.  You may find the story fascinating while those in the practice of Chinese medicine think of it as “old news”.  But, it’s the bridging of East and West that we celebrate!

Bridging East and West

Primo Vascular System: A Unique Biological System Shifting a Medical Paradigm


Neurofeedback as a Treatment Intervention in ADHD: Current Evidence and Practice

Neurofeedback -- Compilation of Research
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