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Anti-Inflammatory Mediterranean Diet
What is paleo eating?
A paleo diet, also known as the caveman diet, is an eating style that is touted to be the way hunter-gatherers ate eons ago.
Following a paleo diet consists of eating fish, meat, foul & large quantities of fruits & vegetables, raw nuts, and seeds, but, limit whole grains & legumes and avoid wheat, dairy, and sugar (WDS). So states Lindsey DeSoto RDN, LD on December 29, 2021 — Fact checked by Alexandra Sanfins, Ph.D. from an article in “Medical News Today”.
What is a Mediterranean Diet?
From the Harvard Medical University website:
The Mediterranean diet is primarily a plant-based eating plan that includes daily intake of whole grains, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, beans and other legumes, nuts, herbs, and spices. Other foods like animal proteins are eaten in smaller quantities, with the preferred animal protein being fish and seafood.
These are somewhat similar. Both exclude processed (deep fried, store-bought pre-cooked foods, corn syrup, hybrid wheats, cane sugar, cow cheeses and milks, etc.). Let’s see what the research says about their benefits. Again, from the Harvard Medical website:
The Mediterranean diet has been shown to (in scientific research) reduce risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, certain cancers, depression, and in older adults, a decreased risk of frailty, along with better mental and physical function.
And, let’s refer back to Ms. Desoto for the research on the Paleo diet:
A 2015 reviewTrusted Source looked at four randomized control trials with 159 participants who had one or more of the five components of metabolic syndrome.
The researchers found that Paleolithic nutrition led to more significant short-term improvements in the following areas compared with the control diet:
- waist circumference
- triglyceride levels
- blood pressure
- levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good,” cholesterol
- fasting blood sugar
A study published in the Nutrition JournalTrusted Source evaluated several randomized control trials to establish a relationship between the Paleolithic diet and the prevention and control of chronic diseases and anthropometric measurements (body weight, body mass index, body waistline and other measurements).
The study found a mean weight loss of 3.52 kilograms plus a decreased waist circumference and body mass index (BMI) in those who followed a Paleolithic diet compared with those eating other commonly recommended diets.
The researchers behind this study suggest that following a paleo diet may reduce the risk of chronic diseases, as having excess body weight is one of the main risk factors for their development.
They asked if one diet was better than another and this is what the research showed (Medical News Today article):
One study published in the Journal of NutritionTrusted Source aimed to investigate associations of the Paleolithic diet and Mediterranean diet with all-cause and cause-specific mortality.
The study found that those who followed a paleo OR Mediterranean diet had reduced all-cause mortality, lower oxidative stress, and decreased mortality from heart disease and cancer.
Here is my modification of the two, simplified, that I call the Anti-Inflammatory Way of Eating:
- meat, with an emphasis on meat from wild game or grass-fed animals
- fish
- eggs (antibiotic-free)
- water, some coffees and black teas
- herbal tea, spring water, sparkling mineral water, unsweetened coconut milk/ coconut creamers (vegan milks that use lots of additives generally have cooked, unhealthy added oils)
- fruits (plenty unless you are looking to lower A1C levels)
- vegetables (plenty)
- herbs and spices
- nuts — raw
- seeds — raw
- healthy and raw oils, such as walnut, coconut, or olive oil in their cold-pressed/raw forms
- Occasional unprocessed whole grains, legumes, vegan or goat cheeses
Many people ask me about the Keto Diet, which has gained much popularity. I believe it’s wider acceptance is twofold: Better Marketing (Paleo and Mediterranean have had basically no ‘products’ to sell and no marketing) and the Keto diet keeps Cow Dairy alive and well (I have to guess that they have great support from the Dairy Industry? For some of the many problems with the enormous impact of cow milk’s hormone levels, please read my paper on “Diet and Cancer”. For more information look at Harvard Medical’s nutrition website and/or https://www.livekindly.com/pcrm-dairy-dietary-guidelines-usda/).
Despite the fact that the marketers and promoters of Keto products have the same access to research as I do and can assess the dangerous links/causations of the enormous amounts of hormones in dairy that cause breast, ovarian, uterine, and prostate cancers in susceptible peoples), and with no evidence/unbiased research (studies not from the dairy industry, themselves) of any health benefit that cannot be fulfilled by leafy greens and sunlight (100% of the calcium is very easy to get from vegetables – look at the Chinese and Japanese gymnasts!) , they still keep it alive and well in their “healthy diet”. And, I am learning that EVERYone does not know that the fastest way to put on weight is to eat cheese? It was a shock, at first, but, now you know (also see research on “Diet and Damp” on my website). But, again, anyone involved in researching diets will find the evidence, if not, just by asking those who have shed the pounds and kept it off (after a certain age, it is not possible to run enough miles to lose the cheese fat!). So, I don’t be wooed by the great marketing dollars that the Keto diet has going for it. See how you feel after 21 days without consuming the most inflammatory foods on the planet: Dairy (butter, milk, and cheese from a cow), Cane and Corn sugars, Semolina (American) wheat, and cooked oils (safflower, sunflower, canola, etc.).
While you’re at it, do your best to avoid pesticides – they are neurotoxins – I think you deserve better!
Anti-Damp/Anti-Inflammatory Whole Food Eating
The basics of a Mediterranean eating lifestyle
Compiled by Nancy Hiller, DAOM
DO consume as much as you want:
Whole Fresh FRUIT (not juiced or dried) except bananas (damp and starchy fruit that slows ketosis). Diabetics: one serving per day
Fresh Veggies — try 10 oz.+ per meal, cooked (steam-microwave, slowly sautee on med. Low w/ coconut oil or sesame oil) & add uncooked olive oil before eating and/orapple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar, spices, s & p to taste or Coconut oil w/fresh grated ginger – add fresh, raw oils after heating – broccoli, sweet potatoes (your new potato!), onion see list below, etc.
Poultry (with **Gravy, too), fish, eggs (antibiotic & hormone-free where possible)
Uncooked Nuts and Seeds, plain or as raw nut/seed-BUTTERS— *See ‘subsitutes’ below
OILS and Condiments – Raw, fresh, high quality oils of all kinds, but, best for cooking is coconut oil or sesame oil (high heat is ok) or cold pressed olive oil (low heat is best) and best of all just to add the oil at the end. Apple Cider or any vinegars, pickles (free of food dyes, sugars and chemicals), sauerkraut, Vegan YOGURT (Kite Hill brand Artesian Almond plain yogurt or Soy Delicious plain coconut yogurt). Dr. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos are a nice savory touch.
Herbal Teas as prescribed by your Doctor (Peppermint for Heat, Rooibos for Colder people, etc.). Sweeten with Monk Fruit (regulates blood sugar and 0 calories) or Stevia
Coconut Milk and other Vegan Milk – unsweetened with no added oils (they are all cooked). So Delicious brand makes a Coconut milk and Cream that are also organic and delicious. (Try blending up some of the Coconut Cream with blueberries and Monk Fruit as a dessert shake!)
Moderate (if trying to lose weight or heal):
Bread — 1 piece of gluten free 100% sprouted grain bread per day (coconut oil & salt or nut butter) OR
2 pieces of sprouted grain gluten-free bread per day (or grain-free bread)
Gluten-free Grain dishes, 1-2 helpings per week = 1-1.5 cups cooked per week = Gluten-free pastas, brown rice, quinoa, millet, etc.
Goat Cheese (1- 2 oz cheddar or dutch, or your favorite goat twice per month as a treat)
Red Meat when craving it or once or twice per month (less or never is good, too).
Caffeinated Beverages: 1 or 2 before noon
Alcohol: (when healthy & at your comfortable weight) 1-2 servings once/ week
Cow Dairy (butter, cheese, milk, whey, casein, buttermilk solids)
White Sugar (Smart brand Monk Fruit is delicious and regulates blood sugar! – Stevia is ok, local honey is fine, and date syrup, moderately)
Deep Fried foods – and Cooked Oils/fats includes mayonnaise AND most cooked oils such as in chips, processed, and snack foods (except your homemade versions of mayonnaise with noheated oils, and avoid all American produced and semolina Wheats (white & wholewheat = NG, but, sprouted wheat bread is ok in moderation, grainfree and sprouted gluten-free is best)
ALL ON THE every day or as much as you Want LIST!!!
- Alfalfa Sprouts
- Apple
- Apricot
- Artichoke
- Arugala
- Asian Pear
- Asparagus
- Atemoya
- Avocado
- Bamboo Shoots
- Bean Sprouts
- Beans Green
- Beets
- Belgian Endive
- Bell Peppers
- Bitter Melon
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Bok Choy
- Boniato
- Boysenberries
- Broccoflower
- Broccoli
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cactus Pear
- Cantaloupe
- Carambola
- Carrots
- Casaba Melon
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Chayote
- Cherimoya
- Cherries
- Coconuts
- Collard Greens
- Corn
- Cranberries
- Cucumber
- Dates (not for diabetic and Weight Loss Bound)
- Dried Plums (not for diabetics and Weight Loss Bound)
- Eggplant
- Endive
- Escarole
- Feijoa
- Fennel
- Figs
- Garlic
- Gooseberries
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Green Beans
- Green Onions
- Greens
- Guava
- Hominy
- Honeydew Melon
- Horned Melon
- Iceberg Lettuce – but, hard to find in organic & not as nutritious as others
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- Jicama
- Kale
- Kiwifruit
- Kohlrabi
- Kumquat
- Leeks
- Lemons
- Lettuce – Romaine, Red & Green Leaf, Butter Lettuce
- Lima Beans
- Limes
- Longan
- Loquat
- Lychee
- Madarins
- Malanga
- Mandarin Oranges
- Mangos
- Mulberries
- Mushrooms
- Napa
- Nectarines
- Okra
- Onion
- Oranges
- Papayas
- Parsnip
- Passion Fruit
- Peaches
- Pears
- Peas
- Peppers
- Persimmons
- Pineapple
- Plantains
- Plums
- Pomegranate
- Potatoes
- Prickly Pear
- · Prunes
- Pummelo
- Pumpkin
- Quince
- Radicchio
- Radishes
- Raisins
- Raspberries
- Red Cabbage
- Rhubarb
- Romaine Lettuce
- Rutabaga
- Shallots
- Snow Peas
- Spinach
- Sprouts
- Squash
- Strawberries
- String Beans
- Sweet Potato
- Tangelo
- Tangerines
- Tomatillo
- Tomato
- Turnip
- Ugli Fruit
- Water Chestnuts
- Watercress
- Watermelon
- Waxed Beans
- Yams
- Yellow Squash
- Yuca/Cassava
- Zucchini Squash
- Almonds (raw) and all their nut/seed butters!
- Brazil Nuts (raw)
- Pecans (raw)
- Walnuts (raw)
- Sunflower Seeds (raw)
- Sesame Seeds (raw)
Kite Hill Cream Cheese, other cheeses made from Almonds & Coconut products
Kite Hill Yogurt – Greek style is a favorite
Violife is the brand of cheese slices that many like best – Feta, Cheddar and Smoked Provolone slices. But, put these on the moderate list as they are very processed
Spaghetti made of 100% Buckwheat or Brown Rice and best yet is the Veggie spaghetti like Zucchini and Yam Spaghetties
Creamy sauces = olive oil with pureed cooked onions, cauliflower, zucchini, peeled broccoli stalks, carrots, red peppers, etc.
**GRAVY is wonderful so, eat it all the time, but, make it like this: use the fat from your baked chicken and add cooked onion (2 big ones), a cup of mushrooms cooked, herbs and spices to taste, 1.5 tbsp of arrowroot starch and put all in the blender. If not enough liquid from chicken add olive oil to consistency.
Breads like Belgian Bakery’s sprouted Spelt is delicious – toasted with coconut oil, a little sea salt and some 100% fruit apricot jelly makes a great dessert or sweet Sunday morning starter.
Desserts? YES! Especially if you are getting off a sugar addiction, keep dried fruits and raw nuts in the house. Chop, mix, top with some 100% coconut milk/cream or your favorite unsweetened vegan milk. Better than a bowl of ice cream (you WILL say this one day! J)
- Notes: You want both raw and cooked vegetables, but, if you have cold in the stomach limit cold & raw veggies to one or two smaller portions per day – 2-3 cooked vegetable large portions per day is fine!
*Most herbs and spices are excellent with one exception: Hot & Spicy for those with “Heat Patterns” can be harmful to skin, blood, and conditions with redness and swelling.
Cold smoothies in the mornings will slow down your metabolism right from the start of the day. Have a small fruit and appropriate vegan milk Dessert Shake after a warm meal instead.
Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle!
- Walk every day out in the sunshine. Treadmills under fluorescent lights 1) underutilize your gluts, calves and many of your perfectly designed walking muscles by doing much of the “ground pushing” motion for you and 2) no vitamin D and serotonin building sunlight and that connection to nature that we haven’t begun to understand yet!
- Drink 64 oz of fresh, preferably, Spring , water every day