Acupuncture and Holistic, Integrative Medicine serving the Palm Beaches and Downtown Lake Worth Beach

Dr. Nancy Hiller
The Whole of Medicine is What You Deserve; nothing less
Nancy is passionate about offering her patients and educating the public on “The Whole of Medicine”. The average American’s experience of medicine may be the two Western Conventional therapies, solely: drugs and surgery. These two interventions are invaluable when life and death weigh in the immediate balance. The risks — invasiveness of surgeries & side effects of drugs – are certainly worth the rewards. But, for the rest of the time, the other 80-90% of evidence-based acupuncture, herbal medicines, and other integrative therapies should always be the first resort.
Acupuncture Face-Lift Treatment w/ Complimentary Revitalization & Immune Boost Therapy.
Just $250
Forbes Magazine calls Acupuncture the New Natural Botox and Dr Hiller uses the ancient technique for also lifting and relaxing all the small, but, significant muscles of expression in the face

We work with your team — MDs, DOs, PTs & all healthcare professionals with your best interest at heart. For General Diagnostics we use:
- Blood Testing
- Radiology and other imaging
- Orthopedic Testing
- And E.M. Pulse and Tongue reading
For Therapies to bring you to balance/wellness, we utilize evidence-based:
- Acupuncture
- Acupuncture Injection Therapy
- Herbal & Nutriceutical Medicine
- CranioSacral Therapy & Tuina
- Low Level Laser Light Therapy (Cold Laser Therapy)
- EEG moderated Neurofeedback
- Nutritional Therapy & Weight and Biochemical Management
Come experience natural care for:
- Pain - Neck, Back, Knee, Sciatic, Elbow, and more
- Neurological Pain (immune dysfunction)
- Anxiety, PTSD, Depression
- Dermatological Dysfunction (Eczema, Wound Healing, Rashes)
- Oncology Support (chemo-side fx reduction)
- Post Surgical recovery support
- Post Surgical Urinary retention/incontinence
- Fertility/prenatal & Postpartum Care

Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460